D-A-Y-U-M..........Shelby........you're F-I-N-E.............
Black Man
JoinedPosts by Black Man
Okay (deep breath), This is Me...
by AGuest inedited, cause the first post no longer applies... .
you have to scroll down a bit.
sorry, but i flubbed it and shari/lilacs fixed it for me.
by Black Man inanyone know anything concrete about the masons & the illuminati?
i've read some things here and there on the net but nothing outside of general ramblings?
i've heard the typical, "they run the freeworld", "when you become one, you're one for life", "you'll have a great hookup if you're one of them" spiel.
Black Man
Thanks for all your replies. This stuff fascinates me. I was recently asked if I'd be interested in joining up. I declined because I didn't have that much knowledge on the subject, but I am intrigued.
Ask a JW.com Poster Anything
by Black Man in.
i'll be back in a few......... .
edited by - black man on 9 june 2002 18:33:33.
Black Man
You'll get some...........
Paradise - I Think I'll Pass........
by Black Man inone thing that has always kinda ticked me off with the society depiction of paradise, is the completely bland, devoid of personality, stepford wives-ish look given to paradise pics in the publications over the years.
peeps walkin' around smilin' for no reason, no attention given to a cultivation of technology, the arts, space exploration.
there never seemed to be any point to paradise.
Black Man
The Society should just humbly admit that THEY DON'T KNOW all these particulars instead of making them up as they go along. Their details could easily be crafted into comic-book stories.
Keeping it Going!!
by Black Man inok, so the dateline pedophilia story is on.
happy that its finally seeing the light of day.
my question is....how to keep the momentum going??
Black Man
up we go...........
Longing for the good ole days in WT
by JT inyes this was the good ole days when we hung on every word coming forth from a member of the gb-.
now we look at thier comments and want to laugh- you got to love it.
Black Man
The worst Bethel department.....
by LDH inok, the obvious choice is the writing department.
but, my hands down favorite is the lame-ass "art department.
" perhaps if they had allowed their members to explore the world of the arts, they wouldn't have been stuck with people who basically draw nothing but stick figures.. my daughter is 12 and her drawings have more depth than most of what appears in the magazines and publications.. any other nominees, or is the art department gonna run away with it?.
Black Man
This goes up..........
Who Were the NWT Translators?
by AlanF ini just posted this information to a private email list, but i think it will be of interest to people on this board.. the following list of translators of the new world translation is a compilation from a variety of sources:.
frederick w. franz: main translator.
took liberal arts sequence at university of cincinnati; 21 semester hours of classical greek, some latin.
Black Man
Excellent thread started by Alan F. here. This goes back up..........
Edited by - Black Man on 19 September 2002 14:49:46
M.T.S. Brothers
by Black Man inanother avenue of service that the borg always tries to shove down the mouths of youth/single peeps is that of going to m.t.s.
(ministerial training school).
if bethel isn't your cup of tea, then m.t.s.
Black Man
WT Crazy Rulings on SEX and Marriage---
by JT ina few post over the question was posted about what was the finally straw for you leaving wt and farkel highlighted all the crazy dogmas of wt and tongue and cheeked commented that he could deal with all those things except the ban on bj.. so some of the guys here at work asked me to explain it to them what ban on bj- .
as i was explaining it the issue of remarriaged came up and i found it most interesting how once again wt makes up it's own rules for folks lives.. .
consider this - in africa- a man can take on multiple wives in many countries since his religion allows him to do so and still have gods approval.. so when he starts to study the bible with jw he is told that since he has been taught something that is not supported by the bible the taking of multiple wives for christians ( ok solomon was the first playa on record) .
Black Man
Great post....this goes back to the top......